1998年9月17日 星期四


阿徹很喜歡radiohead,跟喜歡manic street preachers一樣多。:p這三張之中對"Pablo Honey" 的耽溺程度比較低,跟你不同。:)至於另外兩張都好的沒什麼話說,尤其是"Ok Computer" 的前半張。

Let Down by Radiohead

Motorways & tramlines.
Starting and then stopping.
Taking off & landing.
The emptiest of feelings.
Sentimental drivel.
Clinging onto bottles.
When it comes it's so so.
Disappointing let down and hanging around.
Crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.
Shell smashed.
Juices flowing.
Wings twitch.
Legs are going.
Don't get sentimental.
It always ends up drivel.
One day.
I am going to grow wings.
A chemical reaction.
Hysterical & useless.
Hysterical & let down and hanging around.
Crushed like a bug in the ground.
Let down and hanging around.
You know where you are with.
You know where you are with.
Floor collapses floating bouncing back and one day
you'll know where you are.

